バリ島固有の鳥、カンムリシロムク(ジャラク バリ)は絶滅機種として指定されています。
インドネシア・バリ島国有種であるこの鳥は、英語では「Bali Starling」、現地語では「Jalak Bali」と呼ばれ、200ルピア硬貨の絵柄としても使われています。
NPO法人ジャラクエンタープライズは、(株)山東珈琲を通じて、「バリジャラク」コーヒー豆1kg当たり約23円をBegawan Foundation(ベガワン基金)に寄付しています。
The customary "Kansai International Airport TABIHAKU 2017" was opened in Kansai International Airport on Sun., May 28.
I have connection lately and have participated in the education activities called following of a "NPO jalak enterprise" in the booth of the Republic of Indonesia consulate-general in Osaka.
"Please cooperate with our measure which protects the bird of Bali Island with the coffee of Bali Island."
KANMURISHIROMUKU which is a bird peculiar to Bali Island is designated as the endangered species model.
This bird that is the Indonesia Bali island country owner kind is used as a pattern of a 200-rupiah coin.
The NPO jalak enterprise has contributed about 23 yen per 1kg of "Bali Jalak" coffee beans for Begawan Foundation through Santo Coffee.
This Bali Jalak coffee has a rich scent and its harmony and depth of acidity or substance are hunky-dory.
The coffee made with the coffee roaster made in Germany in local Takamatsu is very delicious.