4月27日、オークラホテル丸亀で開催された平成29年度の「オイスカ四国支部 春のつどい」に参加しました。
オイスカ・インターナショナル(The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International)は、「すべての人々がさまざまな違いを乗り越えて共存し、地球上のあらゆる生命の基盤を守り育てようとする世界」を目指して1961年に設立されました。本部を日本に置き、現在34の国と地域に組織を持つ国際NGOです。
I participated in the "meeting of OISCA International Shikoku subdepartment spring" in Heisei 29 in okura hotel Marugame on April 27.Photographs are the people of a trainee newly received by the OISCA International Shikoku training center.
They will learn in ten months, or two years, or three years by the period accordingly contents of the courses, such as food processing, a volunteer, and an agro, in this training center.
After training finishes, they aim at carrying out the occupation which employed the result which returned to the homeland and was obtained here.
This member's hometown was six nations of Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Fiji, and Indonesia.
They greeted using Japanese language which they have just memorized in front of everybody.
I think that I would also like to consent to the idea of OISCA International and to contribute to society through the OISCA International movment.